INDCOSERVE is India’s largest Tea Co-operative Federation working with around 30,000 small tea farmers, manufacturing about 13 million kgs of Black Tea annually. The value chain of INDCOSERVE spans over 16 Tea Factories and includes sourcing of green tea leaves from its member growers, processing, distribution and trading operations.


Set up in 1965 by the Government of Tamil Nadu, INDCOSERVE provides much needed guardianship to small tea growers in Nilgiris District as a catalyst. INDCOSERVE’s product range is marketed across the country and includes “Mountain Rose Tea (Leaf & Dust Grades)”, “BlueMont Tea (Premium Dust)” and “Ooty Tea” offered through “Fair Price Shops” under the Public Distribution System of Government of Tamil Nadu.
To become India’s premium Institution in production of the finest tea.
To empower small tea growers as equal partners in the progress of INDCOSERVE.
Production of Best Quality Tea (bulk & packaged)
Retail Teas – PDS and Open Market
Agri-Extension Activities – Agri-implement sales and Lending
Sale of Packing Materials
With the purpose of “Re-imagining the vision” INDCOSERVE is seeking to create a sustainable business environment so as to provide sustainable livelihood opportunities to the small tea farmers. As per the Annual Report of the Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Government of India, India ranks 2nd in the World after China in production of Tea in the World. India produces about 22% of the total Tea produced in the World. According to the latest data from Tea Board of India, the domestic consumption of tea hit an all-time high level of 1,084 million kg (mkg) from 1,059 million kg in 2017. This increase of 25 million kg marked a steady growth of 2.36% in the local tea consumption. The data goes to prove that there is a very strong and steady market for domestic consumption of tea. INDCOSERVE wishes to use this opportunity to successfully market its teas while providing livelihood opportunities.